The church will be open for private prayer on Good Friday, from 11am to 1pm, and again from 2pm to 4pm.
#Clontarf Parish Easter General Vestry Meeting Wednesday 7 April at 8pm via Zoom
The annual Easter Vestry meeting will be held on Zoom at 8pm on Wednesday 7th April.
Everyone is welcome to attend but only registered general vestry members will be able to vote or be elected to an office. Voting will be done online via Mentimeter so it would be helpful to have a second-internet enabled device (e.g. phone or tablet) with you on the night, especially where two members of one household wish to vote.
The Zoom link is in the parish Social Matters email newsletter. If you don’t have access to the newsletter, please contact the Rector.
donate alternative
Weekday Morning Prayer: Join us for live Morning Prayer at 10:30am each morning, Monday-Friday, on the webcam and on Facebook
Sunday 27th February – The Second Sunday in Lent.
Services in Church are suspended: services are online on the webcam and on Facebook and are available from early morning.
- Parish family Service
Download the service sheet
Collects and Readings
Join in services on the Webcam
Annual Revision of the General Vestry Register of Clontarf Parish
Each January we are required to revise our register of general vestry people. All parishioners over the age on 18 are entitled to register. Only registered members can serve on the Select Vestry or vote at the annual Easter General Vestry Meeting.
If you have joined the parish in the last year or have not previously registered, this is a good opportunity to do so. Parishioners living within the parish boundary – see the map here – should complete Form 1, those living outside the parish boundary should complete Form 2, before 31 January.
Please contact the Rector if you want to check if you are already on the register.
Online Parish Quiz
Join us this evening 29th January at 7.30 for some light-hearted fun at the first quiz of the New Year. As always, a couple of households can team up if desired and the winning team will receive a €30 Just Eat Voucher. Parishioners and Friends welcome – get the link from the Rector.
Christmas Services online only – a message from the Rector
My Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that after much thought, prayer and consultation, and following this evening’s press briefing by the Chief Medical Officer, I have taken the very difficult decision to cancel the four services planned for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
I feel the risk to health and safety is just too great, not least to our churchwardens, or to myself who would be in contact with over two hundred people within the space of 20 hours. With the exponential growth rate of the virus now, and the strong recommendation to cancel all discretionary mixing, I honestly feel this is the most responsible and caring action to take.
I know many people will be disappointed,as I am myself, but I hope you understand and will engage with the online services which will be broadcast on Facebook and the website at 11pm on Christmas Eve and 10.30am on Christmas Day.
Stay safe, and may I wish you a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.
Every blessing,
UPDATE – Clontarf Parish Christmas Services bookings
At the moment, all our Christmas Services are fully booked except for Christmas Morning at 8.30 where there are currently 20 spaces left.
You can book a place here – please use a separate line for each person booking.
NB: If you have booked places at a service and your plans change, please email or text – 087 9091561 – the Rector to remove your names and free up the spaces. If you wish your names to go on a waiting list for a particular service, please contact the Rector.
All Christmas services will be live-streamed on our website and the 11pm and 10.30am services will be recorded and available to view later.
In addition, all Sunday services in the run up to Christmas will be Holy Communion so everyone should have an opportunity to receive the Sacrament if they wish.
Cocooners can arrange to receive Holy Communion at home before Christmas- contact the Rector.
Clontarf Parish Christmas Zoom Quiz
Our last Zoom Quiz of 2020 will be held on Saturday, 12th December, at 8pm.
It will be a Christmas Jumper Night with donations being sought for Focus Ireland – put the date in your diary and join the fun for a good cause.
If you don’t have a Christmas jumper, a hat or even some tinsel will do – anything that looks festive!
A great night’s family fun is guaranteed so let’s make this the biggest, best quiz yet.
(You don’t have to join the quiz to donate, and you don’t have to donate to join the quiz!)
Clontarf Parish Christmas Services bookings
NB Limited places left in all services except for Christmas Day @ 8.30 which has lots of availability.
As strange as it sounds, places will need to be booked for our four Christmas services this year: 3pm & 11pm on Christmas Eve and 8.30am & 10.30am on Christmas Day.
Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and we will put a waiting list in place if necessary. In order to do this, click the link to your preferred service time (below) and add in the names of your family members individually on separate lines.
If you have any trouble with this please contact the Rector directly. Please only book for one service, and if your plans change and you cannot avail of your place, please let me know in advance.
All services will be available to view on our website and later on Facebook, so no-one has to miss out.
Thank you for your cooperation in these extraordinary challenging times.
Clontarf Church open to worshippers but with COVID measures in place
We are delighted to be able to welcome worshipers back into the church on 6th December.
Our Covid Response Plan remains in place which means:
- A maximum of 50 people at any service – first come, first served.
- Masks, not visors, must be worn
- Do not sit in a pew marked with a yellow social distancing sign
- Sanitise your hands on entry and exit
- Keep a 2 metre distance from others as you enter, exit or queue for Communion
- Contact tracing forms to be completed for every attendee
Please do not come to church if you are unwell or have any symptoms of Covid 19.
Both the 8.30 and the 10.30 services will be available to watch live on our website through the webcam, or later on the recordings tab and on Facebook.