We’re Back!

As per Phase 3 of the Road-map for reopening our country, we will be opening our doors for worship once again this Sunday at our usual 8.30 service times.

Please make sure you have familiarised yourselves with the updated guidelines and protocols which will be in place.

We ask for your patience and understanding as we get  used to the new normal, particularly as we have no idea how many people will wish to attend worship. Regardless, a maximum of 50 people can be allowed in the church at the one time, and only 33 pews are available for seating. 

In the event that more than 50 turn up, unfortunately the excess will not be able to come in. If this happens, we will have to introduce a booking or rota system for the time being. But the good news is that after Phase 4 comes in on 20 July d.v. the overall capacity should increase, though not the number of available pews.

The other good news is that the 10.30 service will be available to view live or recorded on our parish website.We will be continuing to broadcast Morning Prayer at 10.30 on Facebook Live, Monday to Friday up until 20 July. After that, Morning Prayer will be broadcast on Wednesday mornings only.

Revision of Register of General Vestry

Each January the membership list of the Parish – the Register of the General Vestry – is revised. Anyone aged 18 or over who is a member of the Church of Ireland and who lives in the Parish or regularly attends services and who is not already on the register should contact the Rector.

The registered members of the parish, along with the clergy, constitute the general vestry, which meets annually to hear the Rector’s report and to elect the churchwardens, the glebewardens, and the members of the Select Vestry.

Tearfund Pedal Against Poverty

Thank you to all who have contributed to Tearfund’s Pedal Against Poverty campaign by donating to parishoner Dave Lynch’s sponsored cycles throughout the Summer. Dave successfully completed his astounding 1,800km target over July and August with the 150km Boyne Valley Tour last Saturday.

The idonate web page is still open for anyone who would like to make a donation or alternatively, Dave will have a sponsorship card with him at church on Sunday 8th September. You can read about Tearfund’s Self Help Ethiopia project here.

Wildflower Garden

Work on our biodiversity area/wildflower garden will continue on Saturday 21 September at 11am when volunteers are needed to bring along rakes and small trowels to prepare the ground for more planting. Please come along if you can as many hands make light work!

Annual General Vestry 8th May

Our Annual General Vestry meeting takes place at 8pm on Wednesday 8th May in the Parish Centre.

This is similar in many ways to an AGM, when those present will hear a review of the main happenings of the past twelve months, get a chance to hear and discuss plans for the future, and be presented with the parish accounts for year ended 31st December 2018. The meeting will also elect members to the new Select Vestry (the management committee of the Parish) , People’s Church Warden (assists on Sunday mornings and other events) and Glebe’s Warden ( responsible for upkeep of Rectory & church grounds). The Rector will announce her choice for the appointments of Rector’s Church Warden and Rector’s Glebe’s Warden.
While only those on the official parish general register are entitled to vote (should a vote arise), everyone is welcome to attend and speak.
 We hope to see a many families represented as possible, so whether you are new to the parish or a seasoned veteran; whether you are a regular worshipper or an occasional attender; whether you are very involved already or happy on the periphery, your presence is eagerly desired and will be greatly appreciated.
Coming along to the meeting does not mean you will be given a job or commit you to a deeper level of involvement than is comfortable for you! But please show your interest and a sense of ownership of our wonderful parish by coming along. It is anticipated that the meeting will last approximately an hour and there will be refreshments afterwards.

Youth Club

This Sunday, 17th February, 4:30-6pm in the Parish Centre, for all secondary school age young people. There’ll be pizza!

NB Parents/Guardians of first time attendees must fill out a registration form on drop-offN

Ecumenical Bible Study resumes

An exploration of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians resumes on 30th January in
St John’s (RC) Parish Centre on Clontarf Road, and continues on 6th February (Seafield Road), 20th February (Clontarf Road), 27th February (Seafield Road), 13th March (Clontarf Road), and 20th March (Seafield Road),