Select Vestry 2020

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the General Vestry was held online on 2nd September

The following were elected:

Select Vestry 2020

Jeanne Colvin (Hon. Sec.)
Nadine Watters (Hon. Treasurer)
Rhoda McConnell (Rector’s Churchwarden)
Ola Obikoya (People’s Churchwarden)
Grahame Walsh (Rector’s Glebe Warden)
John Davis (People’s Glebe Warden)
Jonathan Boyle
Ian Maxwell
Elma Jackson
Albert Adamson
Mark Acheson
Rachel Rossney
Ziva Newman
Emma Finn
Olwen Lynch
Yvonne Reid

Parochial Nominators

Mark Acheson
Elma Jackson
Ziva Newman
John Patten

Supplemental Parochial Nominators

Mary Cunningham
Jonathan Boyle
Stephanie Maxwell
Jeanne Colvin

Diocesan Synod’s People

David Lynch
John Patten
Mary Cunningham

Supplemental Synod’s People

Michael Stimpson
Philip Godden
Elma Jackson