Annual General Vestry 8th May

Our Annual General Vestry meeting takes place at 8pm on Wednesday 8th May in the Parish Centre.

This is similar in many ways to an AGM, when those present will hear a review of the main happenings of the past twelve months, get a chance to hear and discuss plans for the future, and be presented with the parish accounts for year ended 31st December 2018. The meeting will also elect members to the new Select Vestry (the management committee of the Parish) , People’s Church Warden (assists on Sunday mornings and other events) and Glebe’s Warden ( responsible for upkeep of Rectory & church grounds). The Rector will announce her choice for the appointments of Rector’s Church Warden and Rector’s Glebe’s Warden.
While only those on the official parish general register are entitled to vote (should a vote arise), everyone is welcome to attend and speak.
 We hope to see a many families represented as possible, so whether you are new to the parish or a seasoned veteran; whether you are a regular worshipper or an occasional attender; whether you are very involved already or happy on the periphery, your presence is eagerly desired and will be greatly appreciated.
Coming along to the meeting does not mean you will be given a job or commit you to a deeper level of involvement than is comfortable for you! But please show your interest and a sense of ownership of our wonderful parish by coming along. It is anticipated that the meeting will last approximately an hour and there will be refreshments afterwards.