Lighting Up Advent – Saturday 1st December

Join us for our tree-lighting ceremony on Saturday 1st December. There will be lantern making for the children – bring a jam jar! – as well as goodies, face painting, and a movie. We’ll have mulled wine & gur cake for the adults.

There’ll be lots of fun for all the family, with cash donations in aid of the Simon Community being gladly accepted

Ecumenical Bible Study for Advent

Another series of our Ecumenical Bible Study, alternating between our Parish Centre on Seafield Road and St John’s (RC) Parish Centre on Clontarf Road, begins on Wednesday 21st November (Clontarf Road), and continues on 28th November (Seafield Road), 5th December (Clontarf Road), and 12th December (Seafield Road),

We will be beginning an exploration of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians.

Clontarf Ecumenical Conference 10am-4pm 13th October 2018

Ecumenism: Reimagining the Future of the Irish Church.

  • Rev Lorraine Kennedy Ritchie: Seeing Beauty In Diversity.
  • Rt Rev Kenneth Kearon: Building an Ecumenical Barn -What’s happening in the Ecumenical Movement?
  • Canon Patrick Comerford: The Virgin Mary and the Saints in Anglican Tradition.
  • Fr. Gerry O’Hanlon SJ: A Synodal Catholic Church in Ireland.
    Cover charge €10.
    10am to 4pm in the Church of St John the Baptist, Seafield Road West, Clontarf, Dublin 3.

Harvest Thanksgiving & Soup Lunch on 7th October

On Sunday 7th October 2018 our 10:30 service is our annual Harvest Thanksgiving, followed by our Harvest Lunch of Soup & Sandwiches.

The Preacher will be our new curate, The Rev. Prof. Anne Lodge, and the service will be followed immediately by lunch at which donations will gladly be accepted in aid of Bishops’ Appeal, the Church of Ireland World Aid and Development programme. Please give as generously as you can.

Volunteers are needed to help decorate the church on Saturday morning @ 10.30.

Pizza, Praise & Prayer

Dublin & Glendalough Youth Council invite young people of secondary school age to Pizza, Praise & Prayer on Friday 28th September, 7:00pm-9:00pm in Christ Church Cathedral

Transport and supervision can be arranged -contact the Rector for more details.

New website, August 2018

We’ve just updated our website (August 2018) with a new design and navigation and we hope you find it useful and easy to use.

We’d be delighted to hear what you think of it, and any suggestions you might have as to how we can improve it – just drop a line to the Rector

Rector’s Address at 2018 Easter General Vestry

Address given at the 2018 General Vestry on 11th April

The annual Easter General Vestry Meeting is a good opportunity for me, as your Rector, to say a few words of reflection on the past year’s activities and to thank the many people who work together to make this parish what it is – a vibrant, lively, welcoming and inclusive place to worship God and to serve his people in his name.

Along with all the regular annual events which we run here, the past year saw the addition of an Ecumenical Conference, held on the feast day of the Birth of St. John the Baptist in June, to commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Due to the success of this event and our ongoing commitment to furthering the cause of ecumenism, it is hoped to make this an annual event, with this year’s conference due to be held on 13th October.
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