Services in September 2013

– All services take place in the Parish Centre while work on the church continues.
– Sunday Club resumes on 15th September.
– Morning Worship each Wednesday at 10.30am.

**Sunday 15th September, the sixteenth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Holy Communion, Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin and Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

**Friday 20th September, Mount Temple Comprehensive School, Malahide Road, Dublin 3**
– 8pm — Institution of Revd Lesley Robinson as Rector of Clontarf by Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin

**Sunday 21st September, the seventeenth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd Lesley Robinson
– 10.30am — Holy Communion, Revd Lesley Robinson
Collects and Readings


Revd Lesley Robinson to be instituted on 20th September

The Archbishop of Dublin has announced that he will institute the Revd Lesley Robinson to the incumbency of Clontarf on the **Friday September 20th at 8pm**.

The institution will take place in the Sports Hall of **Mount Temple School** with the kind permission of the Principal.

See the map and get further details.

Many preparations for the institution are required and Revd Marchant has asked everyone to support and help the Churchwardens and members of the Select Vestry as they ask for assistance in the preparations.

‘This is the start of a new and exciting phase of the history of the Parish’, Revd Marchant said, ‘I wish you all well as I approach the end of my involvement with Clontarf Parish’.

Services in August 2013

*All services take place in the Parish Centre while work on the church continues.*
*Both Sunday Club and Wednesday morning services will resume in September.*

**Sunday 4th August, the tenth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

**Sunday 11th August, the eleventh Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Morning Prayer, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

**Sunday 18th August, the twelfth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

**Sunday 25th August, the thirteenth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Parish Family Service, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

Revd Derek Sargent, 1966-2012

This Sunday, 28th July, is the first anniversary of the death of our much loved friend and Rector Revd Derek Sargent.

We’ll gather at the **10.30am Service** to remember Derek, to give thanks for the love and dedication he brought to his ministry among us, and to pray for his family and friends.

Derek was born in Dublin in 1966, and grew up in Dundrum. He went to school at Taney National School and Sandford Park. He studied theology at the Church of Ireland Theological College, Saint John’s College, Nottingham, Trinity College Dublin, and the Open University.

He was ordained deacon for the Waterford Group of Parishes in June 1999. After 2½ years as curate in the cathedral group, he was instituted as Vicar, with responsibility for the three parishes of Dunmore East, Annestown and Tramore. After a year and a half as vicar he became the Rector of Clontarf in 2003.

Derek was a dedicated servant of the Parish, and he is sadly missed by the Parish family and the wider Clontarf community.

Services in July 2013

*All services take place in the Parish Centre while work on the church continues.*
*Both Sunday Club and Wednesday morning services will resume in September.*

**Sunday 7th July, the sixth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

**Sunday 14th July, the seventh Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Morning Prayer, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

**Sunday 21st July, the Eighth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

**Sunday 28th July, the Ninth Sunday after Trinity**
– 8.30am — Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant
– 10.30am — Parish Family Service, Revd John Marchant
Collects and Readings

Services in June 2013

**All services take place in the Parish Centre whilst work on the church roof continues.**

**Sunday Club is finished until September.**

**There will be no Wednesday morning services until September.**

Sunday 30th June, the fifth Sunday after Trinity

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion, Revd John Marchant.
  • 10.30am: Morning Prayer, Revd John Marchant.

Collects and Readings.

All are welcome to join us for tea/coffee after the 10.30am service.

Services in May 2013

**There is a service each Wednesday at 10.30am in the Parish Centre.**

Sunday 5th May, the Sixth Sunday of Easter

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion, Ven. Gordon Linney.
  • 10.30am: Holy Communion, Ven. Gordon Linney.

Sunday Club in Parish Centre.

Collects and Readings.

Sunday 12th May, the Seventh Sunday of Easter

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion.
  • 10.30am: Service of Healing.

Collects and Readings.

Sunday 19th May, the Day of Pentecost (Whit Sunday)

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion.
  • 10.30am: Holy Communion.

Collects and Readings.

Sunday 26th May, Trinity Sunday

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion.
  • 10.30am: Parish Family Service.

No Sunday Club.

Collects and Readings.


Services in April 2013

**There is a service each Wednesday at 10.30am in the Parish Centre.**

Sunday 7th April, the Second Sunday of Easter

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion.
  • 10.30am: Morning Prayer followed by the annual Easter General Vestry.

Collects and Readings.

Sunday 14th April, the third Sunday of Easter

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion.
  • 11.00am: Holy Communion with Confirmation, the Most Reverend Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin.

Collects and Readings.

Sunday 21st April, the fourth Sunday of Easter

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion.
  • 10.30am: Morning Prayer.

Collects and Readings.

Sunday 28th April, the fifth Sunday of Easter

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion.
  • 10.30am: Holy Communion with Holy Baptism.

No Sunday Club.

Collects and Readings.


Holy Week Services 2013

Crucifixion by Andrea del Castagno, National Gallery London

**Note: there will be no service on Wednesday morning.**

Monday 25th March, 8pm: Compline (Book of Common Prayer, page 154)

Tuesday 26th March, 8pm: Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayerpage 101)

Wednesday 27th March, 8pm: A Late Evening Office (Book of Common Prayerpage 162)

Thursday 28th March, Maundy Thursday: Celebration of the Lord’s Supper, followed by the Stripping of the Altar.

Good Friday 29th March, 2.55pm: Good Friday Service

(Please note the time of the Good Friday service.)